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Privacy Policy

Collecting Cookie Data

The Pool Tile Company Pty Ltd operates an authorised website (this website) with a URL of which you, (being a website visitor) is currently “on”.

The website collects visitor information through a Google Analytics account which collects data using website cookies, please read more about cookies from the BBC news website.

Cookies are used to collect non-identifiable data about website visitors such as how the visitor came to the website (through a search engine query or from another website), how long the visitor stayed on the website and how many pages of the website they visited during their stay on the website.

The Pool Tile Company Pty Ltd does not attempt to use the data collected from computer cookies to try to make a visitor personally identifiable.

See more about how Google Analytics uses cookies and also the Google privacy policy regarding cookies (under info we collect).

Collecting Enquiry Form Data

The Pool Tile Company Pty Ltd also collects information via it’s enquiry forms. This data may include the user’s name, phone, address and email address. This information is collected by direct means (the form results that the user inputs are posted to our email) so we can send samples, answer enquiries and help our customers with their needs.

The information while important is called “personal information” according to the Australian Privacy Act but is not considered “sensitive” (no passwords, credit cards, banking or health information) so is not required to be collected using a secure webpage using a SSL certificate or digital certificate which makes the form data more secure – however The Pool Tile Company Pty Ltd uses secure pages and takes extra measures to make sure any form data is transmitted securely.

Note that a secure page URL is denoted by “https” at the beginning where “s” denotes secure. The normal “http” [protocol is not considered secure.

The data is collected via email which is encrypted.

We do not sell this data to anyone else and in general do not share any customer data with anyone else except The Pool Tile Company employees and occasionally our IT contractors. We only share this information with Pool Tile Company employees because their job requires them to deal with customers via phone, email, Chat and in person. Our IT contractors are paid to improve the customer experience but are not authorised to collect any customer data or data from prospective customers who have filled out the enquiry form.

In general we take the obligation to protect our customers, prospects and web visitors privacy very seriously and seek to always hold data in a secure way free from being hacked, copied or recorded by any other parties other than employees and trusted contractors.

Freedom of Information

If you would like to find out what information we have stored about you (if any) please contact our Privacy Officer either by phone or by using the Enquiry Form.

Privacy Policy of The Pool Tile Company Pty Ltd

The Pool Tile Company Pty Ltd is fully aware of the changes to Australian Privacy Legislation enacted on 12 March, 2014.

We have implemented procedures in order to become fully compliant according to the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) Guidelines (see the page where you can download the 213 page privacy guidelines PDF) and all matters pertaining to the guidelines.

The privacy act 2014 includes a set of 13 harmonised privacy principles (see above) that regulate the handling of personal information by Australian government agencies and some private sector organisations including companies with a turnover of over $3M which includes The Pool Tile Company Pty Ltd.

Please follow the link if you wish to make a privacy complaint through the Australian Govt. Office of the Australian Information Commissioner website.

The Australian privacy principles that the Pool Tile Company Pty Ltd broadly seek to uphold include:

  • Promoting the protection of the privacy of individuals
  • Recognising that the protection of the privacy of individuals is balanced with the interests of entities in carrying out their functions or activities
  • Providing the basis for nationally consistent regulation of privacy and the handling of personal information
  • Promoting responsible and transparent handling of personal information by entities
  • Facilitating an efficient credit reporting system while ensuring that the privacy of individuals is respected
  • Facilitating the free flow of information across national borders while ensuring that the privacy of individuals is respected
  • Providing a means for individuals to complain about an alleged interference with their privacy
  • Implementing Australia’s international obligations in relation to privacy.

If you have any more questions regarding privacy please contact us.

Also see Terms and Conditions.

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