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Dune Limestone Pool Coping

Dune Limestone Pool Coping

Dune Limestone Pool Coping is available in a selection of edge profiles and is one of the most popular natural stone coping tiles we offer.

Coping profiles and sizes

LBD40402W*Bullnose (Profile 6)400L x 400W x 20mm
LCD40402Tumbled Coping (Profile 74)400L x 400W x 20mm
LCD40403Tumbled Coping (Profile 76)600L x 400W x 30mm
LRD60406/3Rebated Coping (Profile 91)600Lx400Wx60/30mm

*Non stock item, Check production lead time, we make to order.

Product Specifications

PDF Resources

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Dune Limestone PDF



Requires sealing with a penetrating sealer to make cleaning easier. Use a pH neutral cleaner such as detergent and avoid acids in cleaning. When choosing a natural stone coping around your pool, it is imperative to keep your water level at least 75mm from the bottom of the coping edge. This is especially true if you have a salt water pool! If the water is too close to your natural stone, the salt can be drawn up by the sun through the stone causing salt attack. If you don’t have an overflow valve/pipe you need to reduce your water levels manually. In addition to the correct water levels being adhered to, coping pieces should be sealed, within a few weeks of the pool being filled with water, using a ‘consolidating sealer’ and then a ‘penetrating sealer’, as per professional advice and manufacturer recommendations.


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Delivery available Australia wide.
Contact us for quoting and delivery information.

SKU: dulcop Category: